Reception Curriculum
Learning Objective - M2.1
Learning Objective - M2.1
Count objects, actions and sounds
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.2
Learning Objective - M2.2
Subitise up to 5
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.3
Learning Objective - M2.3
Link the number symbol with its cardinal number value
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.4
Learning Objective - M2.4
Understand the ‘one more than/one less than’ relationship between consecutive numbers
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.5
Learning Objective - M2.5
Explore the composition of numbers to 10
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.6
Learning Objective - M2.6
Automatically recall number bonds to 10
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Reception Goals
Learning Objective - M2.7
Learning Objective - M2.7
Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Early Learning Goals
Learning Objective - M2.8
Learning Objective - M2.8
Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts
- National Curriculum of England - Early Years Foundation Stage
- Early Learning Goals